Inside the Rexburg National Guard Armory

2 min


If you’re like us, you have probably wondered why there is what appears to be a small military base in the southern regions of Rexburg.

After a little digging, we set up a meeting with Sergeant Faugh, who runs the facility. We found out that this “base” located just off of 7th S is actually an armory for the National Guard!

Units are stationed across the state of Idaho in similar armories. Rigby has a transportation unit, Idaho Falls has a service support unit, and our Rexburg unit is a field artillery unit. Altogether, the 25-plus units in Idaho make up a Brigade. National Guard

What is the armory for?

The armory here in Rexburg serves many purposes. Those who enlist in the National Guard train for one weekend of every month and two weeks of the year. The armory serves as a training center, where members of the National Guard come to drill, train, and hone their skills. Some of the skills they learn include land navigation, mission planning, and weapons training.

The armory also stores many types of artillery and weaponry.  You may have noticed what looks like a tank sitting within the gates of the armory. Sergeant Faugh informed us that this called a Paladin. Enlistees travel to remote areas to practice live fire with the 150-pound rounds within the Paladin. These rounds can send shrapnel into any area within 400 meters of impact and obliterate anything within 100 meters.

In Case of a State Emergency

If there is one thing the armory can do for our community, it is to make us feel safe and protected. The police force handles any local threats; if however, a state threat occurs, the governor has the authority to activate the National Guard upon request of the military. The National Guard also takes action at times of state emergency including fires and floods. The Rexburg unit will aid and defend in times of crisis.

National Guard

How to Enlist  in the National Guard    

The armory also serves as a recruitment center that works hand in hand with BYU-Idaho’s ROTC program. The National Guard appeals to many, especially college-aged men and women.  Enlistees are able to learn valuable skills and have their college education paid for.

The recruitment center is the best place to start the enlisting process. Sergeant Faughn sits down with interested individuals to discuss their goals, answer questions, and determine what to do next. The paperwork process begins, the enlistee receives a physical, and then they are sworn in.

According to Sergeant Faughn, “The biggest thing that attracts people here is that they get to serve…you can’t put a price tag on someone’s heart.”

Additional information about enlisting can be found on the official National Guard Website.