Rexburg’s Massive Water Fight


———–The LARGEST Water Fight In REXBURG HISTORY———- The Pines At Hemming Village is hosting Abri Apartments’ GRAND OPENING! 500 Team T-shirts provided, first come first serve. THOUSANDS OF WATER BALLOONS PROVIDED Join a side to prepare for the biggest Rexburg WATER WAR EVERRRRRRRRR There will be an Inflatable waterslide, water guns, multiple hoses with spray nozzles, water balloons, any other kind of H2O weaponry you NAME it! —————————————————————————————— ———–COMMENT OR POST WHAT TEAM YOU ARE ON———— (We will have a countdown at 4:30 when everyone will wage war) ~~~~~Team Abri: (wears all Blue)~~~ – ~~~~~Team Pines: (wears all Green)~~~ – —————————————————————————————– —————————————————————————————– Come enjoy FREE Smoothies catered By Jamba Juice Rexburg @ 3:30 Sharp! One delivery, first come first serve! $5 entry, includes unlimited food and chilled drinks for everyone! We will feature music by The LØST BØYS & DJ Suspence Be prepared for other fun games and activities! UPDATES to come!