Best bridge jumping spots in the Rexburg area

4 min



Get ready adventurists and adrenaline junkies, because as the Explore Rexburg team we’ve taken it upon ourselves to bring you the most accurate, comprehensive, and exciting list of the best bridge jumping and cliff jumping spots in the Rexburg area!

Unlike any list that has come before, ours includes pictures, links to real directions, height measurements of each bridge, and jumping tips specific to the location. Links we include for directions will give you directions from the center of Rexburg, but feel free to replace the “From” box with your own location. Also, note that height measurements are expressed in ranges to account for variances in water level and the exact spot you jump from.

We’ve ordered our entries from beginner-friendly to more advanced, so there’s something here for everyone.

An important note on safety

Before you start jumping, however, remember the importance of safety. Bridge jumping is a dangerous activity, but these dangers can be mitigated through caution, situational awareness, common sense, and other basic safety measures. Do not jump if you are not a strong swimmer, and don’t encourage others to jump if they are not strong swimmers.

River conditions change all throughout the year. Always be aware of the condition of the water you’re jumping into. Conditions to watch out for include the depth of the water, the speed of the current, water temperature, and whether there is debris present in the water. Furthermore, watch out for signs that may be posted soliciting the prohibition of jumping.

While bridge jumping, you should never obstruct or become a nuisance to traffic. Keep to the edge of the road, and don’t linger on the bridge while you’re not jumping. Also, don’t leave any garbage on the bridge or in the water.

The best advice for anyone looking to bridge jump (or take part in any potentially dangerous sport) safely is to be smart and stay safe. That being said, remember to have fun as well!

The Bottom of Fun Farm Bridge

Intensity: Chill

Height: 12-18 feet


One of the three most popular entries on our list this is a great spot for easy-going jumpers. The flow of the river is relatively slow, and the water temperature is pleasantly warm.

We found that the best spot to jump is towards the north side of the bridge, or about 15 or 20 feet to the right of the middle if you’re looking downstream. You can either jump right off of the wooden rail for a jump of about 18 feet, or you can climb down to the metal bar for a 12-foot jump.

Twin Bridges

Intensity: Chill

Height: 10-12 feet from the bottom of the bridge, 16-18 feet from the top


Only a short drive away from Fun Farm Bridge, the Twin Bridges are two side-by-side bridges across the Henry Fork River about 10 minutes north of Saint Anthony. The bridge suitable for jumping from is the old one that’s no longer in use. Although the bridge is actually private property, the family who owns it has opened it for public use.

While this bridge has lower jumping options than Fun Farm, the current into which you jump is a bit stronger. We discourage jumping from this bridge unless you’re anything but a strong swimmer. We had no problems getting out, but you should swim to the left (if you’re facing downstream) as soon as you hit the water, just to be safe.

Ashton Reservoir

bridge jumping

Intensity: Chill-Moderate

Height: 10-25 feet


The Ashton Reservoir features various spots for cliff jumping. The spot we reviewed was at the southernmost part of the reservoir, just after the dam, about 30 minutes from Rexburg. If you follow the directions above, that location alone has two or three safe jump spots, with varying heights, which makes this a great place for you and a group of friends to jump.

The water here was probably the warmest of all the entries on this list, and there’s no current, which makes for awesome swimming. We do recommend bringing water socks or sandals along if you head out to this spot, as weeds and thistles may leave you with slivers or scratches on the bottom of your feet. Also, as always, be sure to explore the water you’ll be jumping into before actually making the jump, as some spots may have rocks below the surface of the water.

Monkey Rock Highway Bridge

bridge jumping

Intensity: Moderate

Height: 20-23 feet


Just down the road from the swimming hole and waterfall known as Monkey Rock is a highway bridge that’s great for intermediate-level jumping. On the upstream side of the bridge, two white lines have been painted on the cement barriers that make up the edge of the bridge. The spot between those two lines is the safest to jump from.

The current here varies seasonally. At times it hardly moves, while other times of the year it moves somewhat swiftly. Only jump if you know you’ll have plenty of time to swim out before you reach the rocks downstream. 

The Top of Fun Farm Bridge

fun farm bridge jumping

Intensity: Advanced

Height: 33-35 feet


While jumping from the bottom of Fun Farm is relatively popular, far less people are brave (or crazy) enough to scale to the top and make that jump. While a thirty-foot jump isn’t all that scary, the climb up and that initial moment of standing up on the beam earns this jump its intensity rating.

Do not attempt this jump without being sure that the water you’re jumping into is sufficiently deep and clear from debris or rocks. Check out the other Fun Farm entry above to see the spot we found to be deepest.

Stay Tuned

While you’re enjoying these jumping locations, we’ll be hard at work exploring more unfamiliar places, so be sure to check back occasionally for updates. If you know of a good jumping spot that hasn’t made our list, comment below and let us know!