How Rexburg helps you keep New Year’s resolutions

4 min


After we make all those self-defeating jokes about new year’s resolutions or the lack thereof, we all face the same test: will we actually better ourselves this year? When you spend 2018 in Rexburg, you have plenty of assistance on your side.

Far be it from us at Explore Rexburg to give you sage advice on how to stick to your goals. We’re trying to eat less sugar, go to the gym, and call our moms more just like the rest of you! But there is some hope for all of us. There is plenty to do in Rexburg and several helpful facets to help you keep these resolutions.

It’s not always winter in Rexburg.

It won't always be winter in Rexburg. Keep your new year's resolutions.

This town hasn’t been called “Iceburg” for nothing. Temperatures drop fast and snow falls deep and wind blows hard here. But thankfully, and it may be hard to imagine now, this won’t always be the case. We are lucky enough to experience all four seasons — for better or for worse — here in Rexburg.

So if you resolve to take advantage of your summer, Rexburg has got you covered. Plenty of sun and outdoor fun await mere months from now. If you want to go for more walks or get your kids out of the house more, you’ll be able to. And if your new year’s resolution is to ski more, who even are you? Here we are trying to cut carbs and you’re off making it happen on the slopes. Maybe we’re the suckers. At any rate, winter is a ton of fun around here.

Let the versatile weather of Rexburg aid you in your new year’s resolutions.

BYU-I offers free amenities for students, their spouses, and faculty.

BYU-Idaho offers a free gym, basketball courts, racquetball courts, and more to help you keep your new year's resolutions.

In 2009, an Emory University health economist released a report predicting that in 2018, as many as 40% of American adults could be obese. The 2013-2014 report by the CDC shows that we’re at 37.9%. Throw our overweight friends into the mix and we’re at a husky 70.7%. Now is not the time to mock the goal of going to the gym more often.

BYU-Idaho campus offers a free gym in the Hart Building for students, their spouses, and school faculty. And the gym in 2018 is much more resplendent than it was in 2009. From treadmills to bench presses to machines and beyond, this fully functioning gym gives you plenty of options. There is also a cycling class.

Aside from the weight room, you’ll have access to racquetball courts, basketball courts, and an indoor track and courts in the BYU-Idaho Center. And this is just the tip of the “iceberg.” Check out the BYU-I recreational facilities page for more amenities. Community members can access these amenities, but there is a fee associated. If you want another option, through January 12 you can join Anytime Fitness for just $1.

Let BYU-Idaho’s gym be the place where you make your new year’s resolutions happen.

There are several healthy eating options in Rexburg.

There are plenty of healthy eating options in Rexburg to help you with your new year's resolutions of eating better.

We should all get on the good ship “healthy eating” this year. Regardless of your body mass index, age, or eating restrictions, there is room for all of us to grow, figuratively. Thankfully, Rexburg is onboard with this goal and is here to help you out.

Of course, there is plenty of fast food as well. Rexburg is, after all, a college town. But if you are serious about eating well and look closely, you’ll see the cornucopia of healthy eats available. Frisky’s is a new cafe that has vegan and healthy options. Broulim’s is the local grocery store that sells fresh, locally-grown produce. And there are more sandwich shops than you can shake a stick at.

Rexburg is on your side when it comes to eating healthy this year.

We are all here to cheer you on.

Your support team will help you keep new year's resolutions.

One of the things we love most about Rexburg is the tight-knit community. Whether you are a student or living here with your family, we are surrounded by good people who are also trying to do their best. And we are all here to cheer you on.

Share your goals with your roommates, neighbors, friends, co-workers, and even us at Explore Rexburg. Your support team will not only remind you of your goals and hold you accountable to them, but they are also a great resource. Everyone needs a gym buddy. Or someone to guide them away from the golden arches when they are trying to eat healthily. So take advantage of the goodness around you!

Document your triumphs.

Document your new year's resolutions.

When you do it tactfully, chronicling your achievements and successes on social media can empower other people. Let the world know how you are doing with your goals! Feel free to tag Explore Rexburg and we’ll give you a shoutout of encouragement and congratulations. Or even just keep it to yourself and your closest allies by writing it in your journal or confiding in a friend.

But however you do it, make sure you document it! Future You will thank Present You for your motivation and hard work.

The cynics out there will try to convince you that new year’s resolutions are cliched and will throw out some statistic of how few people actually follow through with them. That’s not what life in Rexburg is about, though. And as you navigate 2018 with the help of our amazing little town, you will not only fall in love with Rexburg’s quirks and lifestyle, but you will have accomplished something amazing. You will have achieved greatness through your goals.

Let your new year in Rexburg be incredible!