The seven-week break in Rexburg comes as a much-needed break to some and a struggle for others. Most students return home for the break leaving Rexburg to be something like a ghost town for seven, glorious weeks.
With fewer people come many advantages for those who are staying. Here are seven perks of staying in Rexburg for the seven-week break:
Better movie seats
You no longer have to buy movie tickets way in advance. Since there are fewer people you are more likely to be able to get the best seats in the house even on discount nights!
Shorter wait times at the best restaurants in town
No more walking into a restaurant and not having any empty tables, or waiting in line at Carrie Anne’s or Soda Vine forever! Fewer people means more food for you!
Less traffic
Have you ever tried to get from Walmart to Pizza Hut around 5ish when school is in session? It will take you a good 20 minutes! During the seven-week break, you will be able to make that drive and not have to sit in traffic forever.
More job openings
Since the majority of students leave during the break, more businesses are looking to hire. So if you are staying and don’t have a job, make sure to keep an eye out for the “help wanted” and “hiring” signs.
More open machines at the gym
BYU-Idaho has a great gym on campus but most of the year it is packed with students. During the seven-week break, you will actually be able to use the machines that always have lines for people waiting for them. You will be able to get your dream body by the end of the seven weeks.
More space at the parks, hikes, and rivers.
Summertime is the best time to go on hikes and be outdoors because it is pretty much the only time that it’s not snowing in Rexburg. Places like Porter Park and Rigby Lake can get pretty busy, but during the seven-week break you can enjoy the sun and have some space to do so.
Stores are more likely to have what you need
With so many people in such a small town and not very many grocery stores it can be hit or miss when shopping. During the seven-week break you can get the best produce, and when shops have sales you actually might have a chance of getting the shirt that you want!
These perks only really come once a year so make sure you take advantage of them while you can! If you are looking for some more stuff to do during the seven-week break check out our post about five summer activities to do in Rexburg.