Weather Flash: Historic Cold Spell
*The following is from local weather enthusiast and contributor Lee Warnick. Once-In-A-Century Weather? In its 48-year official weather history Rexburg has never seen colder weather...
*The following is from local weather enthusiast and contributor Lee Warnick. Once-In-A-Century Weather? In its 48-year official weather history Rexburg has never seen colder weather...
*The following was passed along to us from local weather contributor Lee Warnick From the National Weather Service, Pocatello: An arctic cold front will drop...
This is a guest post from local weather enthusiast Lee Warnick. 2018-19 water year precipitation: 15.19″ / 121 percent of normal Water: 2019 Season 13th...
This is a guest post from local weather enthusiast Lee Warnick. September precipitation: 3.85 / 421 percent of average 2019 annual precipitation (9 of 12...