Career Workshops at BYU-Idaho

2 min


High school doesn’t prepare students for getting jobs in the real world. At best, a student graduates with a basic resume that won’t get them through the first screening. In order to get past that initial step, through the hiring process, and into the job, BYU-Idaho has created six career workshops. Because your career starts long before you hand in a resume, so do the career workshops.

Discovering Your Future Career

Choosing a major is important. Not only will it save you time, but also stress. We never seem to have an answer when asked, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” The first workshop focuses on your strengths and interests to help you figure out what you want to be when you grow up.

Competing in the job market can be tough

Preparing for & Competing in the Job Market

Although the employment rate might go up and down, there will always be more people looking for a job than jobs available. As you can imagine, the best jobs have the most competition. Because of that, this workshop focuses on how to make it in the job market.

Writing Resumes, Cover Letters, & Other Professional Documents

Resumes and cover letters are the first things an employer usually sees from you. Professional documents that are sloppily-written will get thrown away almost every single time. Everybody has a different opinion about how a resume should look. Consequently, this workshop will present only the general guidelines that employers look for.

Resumes create your first impression

Networking & Other Job Search Strategies

Employers never post an estimated 75% of the jobs available. Friends hire friends. While finding a job without networking is possible, it’s unlikely that you’ll find your dream job. This workshop focuses on the basics of networking and getting a job without blindly submitting online applications.

Interviewing and Accepting the Job Offer

“Tell me a little bit about yourself,” “What are some of your strengths/weaknesses,” and “Why would you be a good fit here” are all typical interviewing questions. Learning how to answer these and other questions, as well as learning good interview etiquette, is crucial to nailing the last step of the hiring process.

Practice interviews in the career workshops are key

Succeeding in your Internship, Graduate School, and Career

What happens after they hire you? This final workshop is all about how to be the best employee possible after getting through the hiring process. Finishing your internship isn’t as simple as just walking out the door.

The career workshops are meant to teach you how to go from the typical high school graduate to the stand-out employee. They’re offered at various times every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday, so it’s easy to fit one into your schedule.

For any questions, email or stop by MC 127A. You can find more information at