The best Rexburg has: The Basement
When I first moved to Rexburg, I was quickly discouraged by the lack of entertainment alternatives for people that might not get their thrills from...
When I first moved to Rexburg, I was quickly discouraged by the lack of entertainment alternatives for people that might not get their thrills from...
Pizza and college go together like peanut butter and jelly. And Rexburg makes sure to fill the demand with nine current pizza places and another...
Attending college can sometimes intrude the notion upon you that you have a major, and no time for anything else. That your whole world must...
When it comes to planning a date, you don’t need to break the bank. All you need is love, right? The possibilities are endless in...
It’s no secret that here at Explore Rexburg, we get pretty excited about national holidays. Especially in regard to food. That is why we are...
So, you want to ask that cute girl/guy sitting next to you on a date, but you have no date ideas for what to do....