Explore Rexburg Halloween movie picks

1 min


Here at Explore Rexburg, we love movies. We also love holidays, and yes, that means Halloween.

If you are like us, after all the trick-or-treating is done and you are riding out a sugar high (obviously not following our own advice) you are likely going to finish off the night with a Halloween movie. After all, bound as we are by holiday parameters, this is the last night that you can.

As a special “treat” for you, we have compiled a list of some of our more family-friendly and less gratuitous Halloween movies. If you’re having trouble picking one, remember, your friends at Explore Rexburg find these particularly enjoyable and evocative:


The Addams Family

Young Frankenstein

Song of the Sea

The Black Cauldron

The Others

Secret Window

Hocus Pocus

Hotel Transylvania

Little Vampire

Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island



Teen Wolf

Nightmare Before Christmas