How To Kill The Flu Before It Kills You

1 min


The turn of the New Year brought with it the usual lofty health resolutions, cuffing-season cuddle relationships, buyer’s remorse receipts and of course a new and relentless strain of the flu.

Claiming the lives of many each year in the United States, the epidemic is one of the most severe, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Although the fever and aches may feel like death and should be taken very seriously, a happier ending is much more likely. And it is easily attainable with some basic self-care health tips.

So how does one kill the flu before the opposite happens?


Dr. Flor M. Munoz, an associate professor of pediatrics and infectious diseases at Baylor College of Medicine, said a simple way for parents to ensure the health of their children is to get them vaccinated.

“It’s a very safe vaccine,” she said in an interview with CNN. “It is not true that you can get the flu with the vaccine.”


Primarily with small children, it’s important to visit a doctor or health care provider to ensure that the virus doesn’t lead to pneumonia or something more serious, said Munoz.

There are multiple health clinics in Rexburg, from the BYU-Idaho Campus Health Clinic for students and faculty to the walk-in Community Care Clinic on Main St.

Rest & Remedy

Ultimately, the only way to squash the flu once you’ve got it is to sit tight and let it run its course. Drinking plenty of fluids and getting enough sleep at night will give your body the time it needs to recover.

Simple over-the-counter me.dications like Tylenol and Nyquil can help to relieve any aches or pains. Alternative options like Theraflu or Alka-Seltzer Plus have gained popularity recently.

Rest assured though, dying from the flu is highly unlikely. Unless there’s an underlying existing condition like heart disease or asthma, it’s probably not even mandatory to visit a doctor. Just call in sick to work and crawl back to bed.