8 hair salons within walking distance of BYU-I campus
Ever find yourself saving on tuition at BYU-Idaho, but spending nearly a fortune on your semi-quarterly haircut? Or do you ever find yourself asking your...
Ever find yourself saving on tuition at BYU-Idaho, but spending nearly a fortune on your semi-quarterly haircut? Or do you ever find yourself asking your...
You need to buy groceries, but you have no way of getting to Walmart! Never fear. The Rexburg Walmart Shuttle is a great transportation option made...
Do you have a space in your apartment that just seems empty? Can’t seem to decide what to put there? Rexburg’s own KayLay Designs is here to make...
Giving back to the community is a great way to help those in need. Especially during the winter season when the weather gets cold and...
The seven-week break in Rexburg comes as a much-needed break to some and a struggle for others. Most students return home for the break leaving...
Attending college can sometimes intrude the notion upon you that you have a major, and no time for anything else. That your whole world must...
Rexburg may be famous for their potatoes, but the locals know that the fresh fruits and vegetables at the Rexburg Farmer’s Market are the real...
If you ask Macklemore, finding your favorite thrift store is almost as exciting as going shopping when you get there. Sure, we’re not in Seattle where...
Every semester, booths across BYU-Idaho pop-up to promote new, student-run businesses. Usually, those groups end when the semester does, but occasionally they find ways to...
If you have been on Pinterest lately, chances are you’ve seen a yarn hanging, even if you don’t remember. Yarn hangings are the latest trend...